Sunday, November 16, 2014

~A Call Out On The Water~

I wanted to share two things that God has done as He leads me out onto the water. The first I specifically asked him for and the second was a clear confirmation in my heart, a gift from Him.

I don't think I can remember a time that I did not desire to be serving in foreign missions. I gave my heart to Jesus at a very young age and have always been thrilled to hear about missionaries and, better yet, to hear them tell about their adventures themselves. I have never thought, "Oh God, don't send me!" So when the opportunity came up to FINALLY go and serve I only had one reservation. My daughter. God had blessed me with an amazing little girl through adoption. She is my priority and I can not just jump on a plane to "wherever" without considering her first. The great thing, (even though it still makes me wonder how), is that God loves her even more than I do. He had already designed her into His plan.

The thing I had specifically asked God to do was to call Grace. I wanted her to be personally called to the work in Guatemala. Grace struggles with many insecurities and deals with abandonment issues. I did not want to make things harder for her in these areas by moving her away from everything and everyone she knows and dearly loves. So I asked God to show me that moving Grace back to the homeland that she had not seen since she was 4 months old and really had no connection with, would not destroy her already fragile sense of security and that she herself would have a heart for reaching her people.

We had the opportunity to do a 10 week trial of sorts over summer break. It was the perfect amount of time for Grace to "get her feet wet". Our first couple of weeks in Guatemala were a whirlwind! We met so many new people and of course everything and everyone was foreign. It was a rough time for my daughter. While she had many fun times, she was ready to go home! Every evening when we would go to our room to settle down for the night the questions and the tears would start. "When are we going home?" "How many more days?" "Why are we even here?" "Who's idea was this anyway?!?!"

Oh, my heart would ache... Ache for my daughter and ache because every day we were there, I felt more strongly that we were supposed to return. So, I comforted my daughter and I prayed. And I prayed...

Before long the nightly tears subsided and were replaced with statements like, "I bet Alberto is going to miss me when I am gone." and "Vilma said I am her best friend but I had to tell her I am only here for the summer." These statements eventually turned to, "Oh what am I going to do when I don't get to hear Alberto singing every morning?" and "I am going to miss (insert several names) so much!"

And then one day when I was really wrestling with just knowing that God had something for us to do in Guatemala and realizing that my daughter was still set on this being a 10 week stint.... Out of the blue she says, "Mom, can I talk to you alone?" When we got off by ourselves she said, "I've been thinking... I think we are supposed to stay in Guatemala. Like mooove here." I tried to choke back the tears as I asked her why she thought that. (I am choking them back as I type this!) she replied, "Because I think it is important that we tell the orphans how much God loves them and help the people in the villages that don't have food or shoes and let them know that they are special." I just hugged my daughter for a long time and said, "You know Grace, I think you're right."

Every day since then I have thanked God for this very specific answer to prayer....

The second story I wanted to share with you is how God confirmed that we would be serving with the new Project HOPEFUL ministry called Walk on Water Initiative.

Since we were privileged to serve in Guatemala with Kiel and Carolyn Twitmeyer along with 10 of their 15 children, we also had the privilege of really getting to know this wild, zany, Jesus lovin bunch! Carolyn was telling me how God kept laying the words "Walk on Water." on her heart. While walk on water had been a theme in their lives for many years, Carolyn was not sure exactly what the message meant for Guatemala. Yes, of course, something to do with stepping out in faith but the full picture of exactly what that entailed for Guatemala had not been revealed to her. So, it was just something that I knew God was doing in Carolyn's heart and I joined her in praying that the meaning would be made clear to her.

Fast forward to after Grace and I returned home from our summer in Guatemala. Many awful things were taking place, and the Twietmeyer family seemed to be being attacked at every angle. Their whole family was under fire and barely holding their heads above water as they were trying to make sense of WHAT ON EARTH was going on. I was conversing with Carolyn through Facebook messages and on September 20th sent this message to her:

"Please tell Kiel that I will also be praying specifically for him as he is leading his family through this storm. Tell him to keep his eyes on JESUS and he will be able to not only navigate the storm, but WALK ON WATER!"

Now my daughter knew absolutely nothing about any of this. Not the "walk on water" message that Carolyn was getting, not the trauma that was going on in Guatemala, or any of the private messages that had been going back and forth between Carolyn and I. In fact, Grace had spent the previous night with my sister and I was heading to meet them and my mom for lunch. While we were waiting for our food, Grace was drawing on the kids menu. She proudly held up her picture and proclaimed, "Mommy, look what I drew! It is a picture of me and you WALKING ON WATER!"

It was a beautiful confirmation. Grace and I will indeed be heading back to Guatemala. We will be stepping out in faith and serving with an amazing ministry that God has had in the works for years. Please check out this new ministry of Project Hopeful, the Walk on Water Initiative at

I would like to ask you to consider partnering with us. We need funding and quickly. With a proposed leave date of sometime in January, we need funding for everything from plane tickets to beds to sleep in. We also need monthly partners who are willing to commit to giving every month toward our living expenses. This is a great opportunity for you to do life with us in Guatemala and be a part of changing someone's world! Please consider how you can be a part of this ministry and join Grace and I in a faith walk out on the water!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Ready to Walk on Water in Guatemala!

I have been waiting and waiting to tell you all the amazing things that God has been doing over the past two months!

I have appreciated so many of you that have been praying for me and asking God to give very clear direction as to serving in Guatemala. I have asked for very specific things to take place over the past year and I am completely blown away by how God has answered my prayers. There are still some things in the works, mainly funding, but I know that He who has called will provide ALL our needs.

After serving in Guatemala over the summer and knowing that God was asking me to come back and serve full time, and giving Him a resounding “YES!”…. SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED!
Kiel and Carolyn Twietmeyer, whom I worked with in Guatemala, have continued to expand on the vision of helping HIV+ moms, special needs orphans (even grown up ones) and keeping vulnerable families intact whenever possible. Grace and I have the privilege of serving with Kiel and Carolyn, Dr. Jacabo “Jaco” (or “Taco”, as Grace likes to endearingly call him) and his wonderful wife Sandy; on Project Hopeful’s Walk on Water Initiative team in Guatemala!

It is nothing short of miraculous how things have come together and the “team” is already working to fulfill this vision. Jaco and Sandy have already begun serving in local villages around Antigua, meeting basic medical needs and building relationships. This is a huge part of the Walk on Water Initiative as we reach people right where they are at, meeting needs, enabling them to thrive and live with HOPE.

FAITH STATEMENT: We are committed to bringing everyone we encounter to the knowledge of their true identity in the ONE that calls us out upon the water. We will make Him known through the reality of the cross and the unconditional love, grace, healing and hope it brings. We will love and serve as equals, restoring dignity through humility and loving through long term relationships with the people and communities we serve. GRACE will abound in all we set our hands and hearts to.

How awesome is that? I have seen this statement of faith lived out first hand in the lives of the team. It is not just a bunch of flowery words. This is get in, get your hands dirty, look at others as your equal and do whatever it takes to love them deeply kind of stuff. Showing God’s love in tangible ways. It is what this is ALL about.
As I am talking with Carolyn and getting a better picture of what exactly my role will be, I am also completely aware that as in all things “ministry”, things can and will change without notice! So far the plan is for me to take up teaching/homeschooling the missionary kids again, which I am really looking forward to. Grace and I miss our Twiets like crazy! ;) I have also been asked to help oversee the Hope+ aspect of the ministry. These women have suffered years of severe abuse and are wanting to get out of the cycle that they and their families have been in, for often, many generations. I will be working with these precious moms and their kiddos as they learn basic life skills and how to support their families without having to rely on prostitution just to have food from day to day. As a single parent, I have an opportunity to come alongside these ladies and model parenting with the unique challenges that “going it alone” brings and how important community is to the single mamma.
I want to invite you to check out the Walk on Water Initiative on the Project Hopeful Website at

I would also love for you to come alongside and partner with us. We need support in order to make the big move to Guatemala. With plans on leaving in just 3 short months it is urgent to have finances in order very soon. Besides month to month expenses, we will have to furnish a rental home, purchase a vehicle as well as medical insurance. WHEW! It honestly feels VERY OVERWHELMING, but I know that God will provide. Please prayerfully consider being the answer to our prayers and walking on water with us! You can give tax deductible donations securely online at

Thank You! I look forward to sharing with you ALL the things that God is doing through the Walk on Water Initiative!

Photos Courtesy of:
Dr. Jaco
Ethan Twietmeyer

Monday, September 15, 2014

"The Journey of a Thousand Miles....." (or three thousand)

So here it begins.... Well, it BEGAN a looooong time ago but somehow starting a blog makes everything official. Right?
I have had a special place in my heart for children, missions and orphans for, well, forever. I guess my journey to Guatemala specifically began when I started the process to bring my daughter home in November of 2004. Why Guatemala? They allowed singles to adopt. The process from start to finish was quicker than most countries. And I like REAL Mexican food waaaaaay more than REAL Chinese food. Which was important because I wanted to be able to celebrate my daughter's heritage with her and I figured Guatemala was probably just like Mexico because they all look the same, ya know. ;) Yup, pretty much my thought process on all that. Good thing that God uses freaks like me.
In July of 2008, when my daughter Grace was almost 3 years old, I came across Carolyn Twietmeyer's blog. Carolyn was in Ethiopia, at that time, trying to bring home her daughter Selah. It was then that God gave Carolyn a vision for a community or village that would be a refuge of sorts for HIV+ women and their children as well as HIV+ orphans. In the village these mothers would be able to get the medical care they needed to live and they would be able to parent their own children thus protecting these families and preventing the otherwise inevitability of more children needlessly becoming orphans. The vision God gave her also provided a family type setting for HIV+ orphans to live and grow as “normal” as possible and avoid all of the lifelong effects that children who grow up in institutions face. When Carolyn first shared this vision with me I thought it was BRILLIANT. Well of course it was brilliant, God is the one who came up with it! I told Carolyn at the time that I would love to go to Ethiopia once a year and volunteer at Covenant Village (the name she came up with for the community). I also told her that my heart was REALLY in Guatemala, so if she could eventually do the same type of thing in Guatemala that I would be there in a heartbeat! This was pretty much a looooong shot, seeing how Carolyn had absolutely no connections to any country south of the border let alone Guatemala. Fast forward to 2013 when I received an email from Carolyn, saying that God had opened a door for the vision He had given her to happen in GUATEMALA! WHAT!?!?
Through a series of events, and all in God’s timing, Grace and I were given the opportunity to serve with the Twietmeyers in Guatemala for ten weeks this summer! I taught a summer school program for missionary kids and was able to help out with other projects in the community of San Lucas. Grace also found her niche among the missionary kids, the HOPE+ families and reaching out to young children in the community. It was a whirlwind of a summer and by the end, both Grace and I felt that God had some very specific things for us to do in this beautiful country. Guatemala is an inseparable part of our hearts!