Sunday, May 3, 2015

A Little Over a Week...

We have been in Guatemala for a little over a week! When Sandy wished us a "Happy One Week Anniversary" on Wednesday, I couldn't believe it! While a week is obviously not very long, it really feels like we have only been here about three days. I am quickly learning or becoming reacquainted with the fact, that everything in this beautiful country takes much longer than I am used to. So, I can not equate things done, to time spent... If that makes sense.
Our first full day here was spent meeting up with the realtor and then the owner of our little house to sign papers. This process took pretty much the entire day and by the end I had to remind myself that no, we are not buying. That was all just for renting! Lol!
There are so many great things about the house that God provided for us! Grace's favorite is the community pool which is literally right outside our door. The pool is small and perfect for kids. The other blessing for Grace is that two doors down there are two young boys, ages 8 and 12, for her to play with. We have not had neighbors with kids for over three years so she is really excited to have them rushing over to play as soon as they get off their school bus! The community only has 11 houses, three of which are not yet rented. The owner tells us that there are missionary families from a local children's home moving to Guatemala from the states that are looking at renting them. We are hoping that works out and that they have kids too!
There are also MANY things about our new home that will take some time to get used to. Probably the hardest, for me, is there is no hot water in any of the faucets. The shower water is heated by what is affectionately called a "widow maker". This may actually be a blessing in disguise when we get our electric bill!
Also, with the recent rain storm we had, I have come to find out that both of the bedroom windows leak profusely. As in, water pours in down the walls and creates large puddles on the floor. The upside is that after the rain, I was able to mop the whole house with said puddles!
I have sent a message to the realtor about the leaking issue as well as SEVERAL other issues in the house, but alas, that brings us back to how things in Guatemala just take a lot more time than I am accustomed to. Which also addresses why we still don't have internet. Lol! (Don't worry Kate, when we get internet I will download the texting app!)
Seriously though, this little house is a huge blessing and I am so thankful. We have a full size refrigerator ( or fridgerator as Kelli Wright would tease me for saying ;) ) which is not common in rentals here, a nice stove, beautiful counters and all of the appliances and furnishings from the beds and couches, to the stove and table are brand new. It feels REALLY nice to know that we are the first ones to ever sleep on the mattresses!
Getting settled is taking some time but we were able to join Jaco on a medical visit to a local orphanage. It was a really good reminder of why we are here and the importance of the things I need to be doing to prepare for the work God has us. First on my list is to learn Spanish! It is hard to truly minister to the precious Guatemalan people when I am constantly having to ask for an interpreter! Jaco and Sandy are so gracious to constantly help me out with this, (my bilingual daughter, not so much). However, as I tried to connect with the girls at the orphanage it became painfully obvious that learning the language has to be a top priority. So next week, I will be looking at language schools/tutors to see which one will be the best bang for my buck. I am a bit overwhelmed and, to be honest, pretty nervous about learning a new language so please pray for me!
I want to thank all of you that have supported us financially to get here. When I say that we could never have done this without the financial support from so many people.... Well, I do not say it lightly. It is a pretty huge deal that you would give towards something that has not been done or even really started yet. I am humbled by it. I also feel a huge responsibility to steward these gifts honorably. Which leads to something I am struggling with spiritually.
The title of my blog is "For the Applause of One". It is a reminder to myself that I am not doing this for glory or accolades from any person and I do not need approval from fellow believers. It has taken me years, or more appropriately, a lifetime to come to a place where I am not living for the approval of others. Usually.
I want to truly live my life and do this ministry for the applause of my Daddy in Heaven who is going to clap and cheer as a daddy would for his toddler who bumbles through her first steps and tries to run. That daddy who cheers for the effort of his little ballerina as she stumbles on stage and forgets the routine... I am doing this life for the applause of That One.
Keeping my perspective or my focus on this is a daily struggle in and of itself. Now I add "missionary" to the mix and not only missionary but "missionary who survives on other peoples' donations"! So suddenly I feel like I have to measure up again. I have to prove myself in order to survive. I have to have amazing miraculous stories to share, to blog about, to "wow" people into throwing money my way. I bemoan the mundane of daily living and the preparation efforts of language school as I can not generate the "wow factor" needed to raise support and pay the bills....
I am not saying that anyone has put this pressure on me. I have put it on myself. Trying to measure up and be "good enough" has been one of my traps since I was a kid. The enemy knows my weaknesses and plays on them, just as he does to each of us. I have lots of other hang ups as well. This just happens to be the one in the forefront as I navigate this new chapter in my life. Trying to keep in mind that my Father in Heaven is wildly and deeply in love with me regardless of my performance whilst blogging about the details of ministry to my financial supporters.... I can just see myself easily falling into performance based living. Hence again, I ask for your prayers!
So just a little over a week in.... And anxiously yet eagerly anticipating the next!

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